General Requirements for Enrollment!
Policy: It’s a parents responsibility to become informed of any policy change of procedures for ACS. You must read the forms and directions if anything new changes we’ll update on the site and forms. These updates happen pretty much yearly, occasionally twice a year. So please stay informed. We’ll make announcements! We’ll do this via email! So, always keep us up to date with your email.
Communication/Contact: You MUST keep us informed of all address and contact information changes. This includes phone, address, email addresses and any other information that may have changed. You must also inform us of any issues such as truancy, education related to previous church enrollment, legal issues like custody battles regarding home education or just any involvement with the juvenile or family court system.
The responsibility of Parents: Alabama Church School expect all parents to take complete and total responsibility for their children’s education! We support all types of education, just decide what works best for your family and do it! You must also keep your records documented via the forms issued on this site for transcripts. We may not always ask for the attendance forms, but keep records of your child’s school work and grades. So, you can later update us with the information for transcripts! Just for the benefit of transcripts is a good way to look at it. However, if your child(ren) miss days that you would call a school day (parents discretion) you should fill out the Absentee form, but our school year is all year.
We’re NOT Accredited and never will be. We stand on our own, we believe that your children are yours, and it’s your right to raise and teach them as you see fit! This does include education, so make sure everything and anything is available to them!
Consent is something of utmost importance. We need the consent of the custodial parent who has full custody of the child. That’s it!
Some Obvious things:
- You must live in Alabama, as well as your children.
- You must fill out all required forms and send them to ACS with SASE!
- You must renew annually if you’re going to continue.
- You must track your child’s grades for transcripts later.
- You should always know the law and what you’re responsible for.
- Be ready for anything!
The responsibility of your child’s education will now be 100% your obligation!
Welcome to our World it’s a fantastic place!