Enrolling in a church school is easy!
Church schools require an annual re-enrollment between a certain time of the year. Our school year ends on June 1st and begins on August 1st. However, if you’re re-enrolling you have until August 15th. Either way, you can enroll your student(s) at any time of the year.
If you’d like to enroll please use the online Enrollment option below:
So, what do you do if you’re currently enrolled in public school?
You should first enroll in a church school before withdrawing your student(s) from public school. You should have turned in your (Church School Enrollment Form) CSEF to the B.O.E. (local Board of Education) before you withdraw, that way you’re under the church school’s policy and no longer under the policy of the public school. I recommend always enrolling at a new school first. That way you’re covered!
What do I do with the CSEF?
The CSEF is the form you will turn in to your local Board of Education. This will confirm your enrollment with the county. You can fax or mail them. I have always done both. I fax to get the form in fast, then mail it just so they have another copy!
While withdrawing my student(s) the public school is asking me for all kinds of information, church school enrollment, church school handbook, or other information. What do I give them?
Nothing! You’re no longer under their policy, you’re not required by law to give them anything once you’ve submitted the CSEF to the B.O.E. If they question you, just tell them to check with the B.O.E. that’s where you’re CSEF is at. You do not have to give them anything at all! No one is entitled to anything other than the B.O.E.
The public school I withdrew my student(s) from has sent out truancy officers to my home, what do I do?
You ask them if they have checked with the local B.O.E. Because that’s where your CSEF was sent. See our F.A.Q. for full details on how to handle this situation. The answer to this is the first question on the F.A.Q. page.
How often do I have to turn the CSEF into the B.O.E.?
You only turn the CSEF into the B.O.E. once. If you move to a new county or address you’ll be required to send one in to update the B.O.E.
How long do I have to turn the CSEF into the B.O.E.?
You have 2 weeks from the date on the form. It’s important to get this turned in promptly.
Does the church school provide a curriculum, lessons, and classes?
NO! This is the parent’s responsibility! Hence homeschooling. You are going to teach your student(s). You take full responsibility for your student(s) education.