Number Fun with Dice Materials Needed: A pair of dice Paper and pencils for each child Object of the Game: To correctly add or subtract numbers to win points. Instructions: Each child takes turns rolling the dice. After the dice are rolled, the child must add or subtract the numbers on the dice (for younger […]
Rolling Into Fun:

Embarking on an ‘Animal Adventure’: Fun Learning Game for Kids 

Animal Adventure Materials Needed: Large, sturdy cards or flashcards, each featuring a picture of a different animal. Small tokens or stickers for each player. Object of the Game: To collect the most tokens or stickers by correctly identifying animals and making the sound they make. Set Up: Spread all the animal cards facedown on the […]
Let’s Hunt! Uncover the Rainbow with ‘Color & Shape Hunt
Color and Shape Hunt Materials Needed: Various colored objects and different shaped items from around the house Baskets or bags to collect items Color and shape flashcards Object of the Game: To find and collect the most objects that match the color or shape on the flashcard. Instructions: Each child draws a flashcard from a […]